Originally posted on 02/04/2015:

Most people still don't get it. There is a reason why the civilizations of the world, previous to the machinations
of the last couple hundred years, all banned usury and fake money. Whether it was Christendom or the
Caliphates, or the pre-Columbian New World, Asia or Africa; the only example of usurious abuse and banking
control is ancient Babylon, where today's parasites all learned the trade of iniquity.. it took them millenia
to get back into power and now we are starting to see the consequences.. men and women's lives are
destroyed; the very few dominate the masses. Little men who can be removed.. but giant liars who take
advantage of the naivite of the common men, especially the women, who have intentionally been put in place
to be the real controllers of our society via the deceptions of democracy.