Originally posted on 09/14/2014:

Quote Originally Posted by Hareeba! View Post
Rent money is just as dead money as is interest money.
Compounding can work for you on the value of a home you own but only against you on one you rent.
You pay tax on the interest you earn but not on the capital growth of your home.
Many who delay end up never buying their own home.
Rent money is dead money, that's right but it's not bad as mortgage. If you're able to buy a house in cash (no mortgage), then renting for few years is a good option.

I bought my current house with cash money, zero mortgage. Stayed in rent for 2 years. Of course, money I spent on rent went to toilet flush but still it's less then mortgage cost. Mortgage sucks man. Glad I don't have any mortgage etc.

If you have a good income, if you can save/build money then staying in rent for few years is a much better option then making yourself slave to mortgage.