Originally posted on 10/18/2014:

Anyway, there is an easy answer to the hat question and a deeper answer that I’m not even sure I should be talking about in such a public forum. The easy answer: to show off how new the hats are. When it first started I’m pretty sure it was done so people can see that your gear is so crispy that it still has the stickers attached. That way girls know when you walk by that you’re not just rocking some dusty-ass cap that you bought five years ago last time you went to a game, but instead you’re wearing the hat as a fashion accessory and that you have more new hats on deck. Once the tag got wrinkled or dirty, it meant it was probably time for a new hat. Stupid? Yes. But then again most status symbols are.
The one I’m not supposed to tell you about but I will because it’s Friday and I’m feeling generous is this: those gold stickers are actually secret black people transmitters. We’ve done a pretty good job of keeping this under wraps, but a little over a decade ago our secret African American leadership (Oprah, Bill Cosby, Will Smith, and Tupac) met in their lair 200 feet below Atlanta to discuss ways to keep young black men informed and connected to one another. So they partnered with New Era to create the current gold and hologram hat stickers, each one armed with the power to directly transmit thoughts from one cap wearer to another. There’s a bit of a trick to it that keeps whites from being able to access the transmissions (which I won’t reveal out of fear for my own well-being), but when used correctly it’s a very powerful tool.

from barstoolsports