Originally <a href='http://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=22658593'>posted</a> on 09/23/2014:

We let him go on past us because he was trying to run us off the road. We let him speed off past us.”

You see how she is so focused on establishing that they did nothing wrong? There has just been a car wreck. 911 operator had to ask her, like, 5 times if the car that went off the road was hers or not. All she wants to talk about is how she and her husband....did nothing wrong. The students reporting hassle by Bironas though does contradict my suspicion of this lady & her husband but you just know. Instinctively.

Who lobbys a 911 oprator with incessant whine about themselves as innocents without even mentioning even ONCE the friggin car wreck thats just happened? Sounds like Bironas just went nuts though, sudden-like. Something set him off big-time but this lady and her husband on the 911 call....maybe he got out of the car with a gun, Brionas floored it, ducked down and crashed? I want the truth out of this lady. TN Marshalls outta put her in a room and interrogate her.