Originally posted on 08/03/2014:

Quote Originally Posted by itchypickle View Post
I think all sides need to be given is what I'm saying. And finally, if Israel turns off the Iron Dome system and counts to 10...how many kids in Tel Aviv do you think would be killed in the rain of rockets? So just because one side is stopping its people from injury doesn't mean they are doing something wrong.
Couple points...you really think all sides need to be given? So do I. A very BIG cause of tension are these settlements (illegal) - yet rarely is that even considered part of the problem. The flat out deception by the Israeli government using the murder of the 3 teens as a pre-text to all this? The wikileaks cables which detail how Israel is purposely trying to keep Gaza just a fraction above revolt (economically)

There are MOBS of right wing Israeli's attacking peace protesters in Israel (not 3-4 idiots....like 700 at one rally attacking the protest). There are hebrew hashtags being embraced by Israeli youth discounting the value of life in Gaza etc.

There is enough horror on both sides, that if people actually saw it, they'd demand we cut off aid to both sides immediately.

Yet here you are, echoing David Frum with the "the media is ginning up" the photos etc.

I have family in Idaho. More than a few times while visiting, I've heard friends of theirs get riled up (bigtime) over Randy Weaver (Ruby Ridge). That was 22 years ago - and pretty isolated in scope. Yet 22 years and people are still bitter.

Contrast that with the situation at hand. You have multiple generations born into this essentially open-air prison environment. 1 out of every thousand residents of Gaza has been killed by the IDF.

This hate is going to take more than allowing some chocolate to cross into Gaza. 3 UN Schools in 10 days. That stuff tends to linger.