Originally posted on 01/23/2014:

Its a lengthy college-level read, yet very insightful.


If you don't want to take the time to read it, pretty much you have been drinking so heavily for such a long period of time that the receptors in your brain are worn out. Seriously. I'm not going to tell you to stop because I know how it is, I used to drink heavily too and still enjoy alcohol. Heck, I'm having a beer right now. You might want to consider cutting down for a while, though, or take a little break. You'll probably feel a lot better if you do and you'll regain the sensitivity to GABA in your brain again- giving you back that cozy feeling you seek. Not sure if you've smoked weed before, but its very similar in that when you're smoking all day everyday of that good lime dank, you notice you soon don't get as high anymore and it doesn't last as long, either. You're burnt out, man.