Originally posted on 01/10/2014:

Ok here if goes....

You place a bet on the pass line. Let's say 5 dollars.
The shooter rolls.... If it's a 7 or 11 you win 5 dollars.....if it's a 2,3 or 12 you lose 5 dollars.
If 2,3,7, 11, or 12 happened as described above the betting is over. You either won 5 bucks or lost 5 bucks

If any other number comes up 4/5/6/8/9/10/11 that becomes your point.
Your five dollars remains in action and now you bet behind it. Most places let you bet 2x,3x or 5x your original 5 dollar bet. For our argument we will say 5x is allowed, it does vary though. This second bet goes directly behind your initial bet. That bet behind the five dollars is the best bet in the casino and you should always bet the maximum. That bet is paid the true mathematical odds by the casino.
lets say your point is a 10, that's a toughie. Because 10 is a hard number to roll with 2 dice. So now you only have one enemy, that is the number seven. If seven comes out you lose all the money your 5 dollar bet and the 25 you placed behind it. However if a ten comes you win 5 dollars on your original 5 dollar bet and 50 on the 25 you bet behind the 5. So your 30 risked won you 55. Now better is over and it all starts again.
In this instance you only bet the pass line and the number (10) so you were just hoping for a ten and against a seven. No other number mattered. Every other number that comes up they just pay people that made side bets or take money from the losers of the side bets. Those rolls mean nothing to you, you are only rooting for a 10 and against a seven......

here are the payouts depending on what number came up assuming your ten did not on your 5&25 wager

4 or 10. Pays 55. (5 and 50). 2-1
5 or 9. Pays 42.50. (5 and 37.50) 7 1/2 to 5
6 or 8. Pays 35. ( 5 and 30). 6-5

the 2-1 odds on 4/10 the 7.5-5 odds on 5/9 and the 6-5 odds on 6/8 are "true odds" like flipping a coin at even money. The house makes its casino edge in this game on the original 5 dollars where it only pays you even money despite you being a significant underdog.

Will explain more exotic bets in next post if you like