Originally posted on 12/03/2013:

pin, ignore the adolescent whiners...when u win for 'em it's all hi-fives and WE're doing great man!...

lose a few...and it's all "why did YOU pick that man?"

a sign of maturity is knowing that as soon as you hit the SUBMIT button...it's YOUR play...no one else's...especially when you're not paying for the pick...

Giz seems like a 13 year old...when you win for him, he's riding your nuts...fail to make money for the ungrateful twat "more than one day in a row" and he's moaning over fractional-unit chalk losses and shitting on your lawn and pissing in your swimming pool...this from a guy who's soccer thread picks, by all accounts, are dreadful...

too bad about Michigan not showing up...and still only falling a few short of the cover...that makes you 1-1 for the day...and Giz won't like that one bit...after all, a fraction of a unit in chalk is still a losing day...what a dick

same as the other guyz making a big deal about losing days...as if anyone is naive to think anyone can win every day...amazing, next thing you know there'll be a revelation that you close your eyes and do nothing for hours at a time every day

ignore the twats, and keep calling the plays for the plenty of us wised-up adults on this thread who can take the inevitable losing days in stride