Originally <a href='/showthread.php?p=20288562'>posted</a> on 11/17/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by edabramov View Post
His worst month was +6 units guys, yet starts out like typical degenerate, him and Giz should team up.
Nobody forcing anybody to follow or check out my thread mate, if you dont like it you can go elsewhere, if your following my picks secretly good for you, either way mate i don't mind, there is no need to be making comments like that, everybody can see my results, its obvious i had a bad start, if i won every single day you would think that i wouldn't be here posting my plays, i do it for fun, i've come up with a system and created software that i have had success with, its something that i put alot of work into and i'd appreciate it if you stop with the trolling.