Originally posted on 11/14/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by Roy Halladay View Post
Fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fatf at fat fat fat
Typical fat idiot. Lazy, excuse-making, bullshitting himself. And best thing is: All of you are paying for fat lazy motherfukkers like him with our insurcance rates and health care costs. America makes it so easy for people to be obese, it's crazy. Actually you shouldn't teach your kids to be calm and say nothing or look away, but instead to point a finger every time they see another fatty-fatty bang-bang rolling by in an electric scooter and make fun of them with sounds and stuff. Fat people cost your economy 45 billion extra per year. And these obese donkeys are totally cool with it. They shouldn't be allowed to fly, to go to the movies, to visit restaurants and bars or buy coke and chips. Until they start to care about it.
Anyone ever sat in a plane near such a fukking hippopotamus? Sweating, gasping and smelling? I did. And I am not the slightest bit tolerant anymore. I have zero problems making comments to them.
Seriously, fat fukks using scooters, lmao. We should cut their legs off, so they have a real need to use them.
There are diseases that can make you fat. Ok, fine, you're excused. But not a single as.s that is just too damn lazy to stay in somewhat healthy shape is.