Originally posted on 10/18/2013:

Tony_Tall has become an interesting character to me on here lately.
I feel like if we met up at an SBR bash we would get hammered and have a blast chasing some whores.

Hey Tony, my advice for the homeless guy- Don't do this.
Here's the breakdown.

It's ok to want to do good for someone.
But it's a 95% chance the person you are letting in your home has drug addictions, along with being an alcoholic.
This is not only bad for you risking your belongings, but also because you seem to be pretty out there drinking to begin with and shouldn't be around ppl like that 24-7 if possible.

There is nothing good to come out of this, as in all likelihood you will not be able to help this person in the long run.
Throw away a few bucks to them if you want, buy them a meal, maybe you can even direct them towards some kind of odd jobs to make some money, but you shouldn't endanger yourself letting them into your home while you sleep.

Keep us posted on what happens.