Originally posted on 09/07/2013:

6:30am: fall asleep due to alcohol and exhaustion

10:34am: wake up next to my open laptop and uneaten subway sandwich
10:35am: drink close to a liter of water and notice i slept on my hair weird and its sticking up on the side
10:38am: look at my subway sandwich but decide not to eat it
10:40am: take shower
10:55am: open my refrigerator assuming I have nothing and confirm i have nothing
10:58am: see small tray of brownies on my counter and have no idea why they are there....assume some girl made them for me
11:03am: realize i've been looking at them for a few minutes and am starving...... I eat two.....they are disgusting
11:05am: start freaking out looking for phone and can't find it
11:24am: find phone in the garbage for some reason and it's all sticky
11:25am: start looking through phone to see if i texted any girls and will regret it (i.e offer them money for sex etc)
11:26am: see my friend sent like 10 texts pissed off saying I stole the brownies they made using psilocybin (shroom) extract
11:30am: pacing around apartment and finally try to make myself throw up
11:40am: realize i am just dry-heaving and start panicking more as I haven't taken any hallucinogenic in about 10 years
11:55am: keep texting friend back making sure sure this isn't a joke because I dont' remember hanging out with him
12:04pm: nobody will text me back and I post this and and continue to get nervous