Originally posted on 08/06/2013:

A lot of tough guys here

Lets see some videos of you guya

Deemer should post a weightlifting video

Mayan would never post again..take this guy off a street corner with 10 guys singing rap songs and he is nothing, I would fukkin bury him

Never forget when he showed up at Bash with 7 guys behind him all with football jerseys on and headbands..here is the best part

OPIE picks up on it and calls him off quietly to the side and tells Mayan this " We do not like your kind here, you can play this two ways one you can join us and take your fukkin football jersey off and wear something respectable and lose your friends or I swear to you everyone one of you will be going home in a body bag"...Mayan was scared shit and he joined the bash and was quiet as a fukkin mouse. Opie does not pay around.