Originally posted on 05/28/2013:

SnickerDoodles recently had 1,500 pts on 5/25. About the 10th time he's had the ability to pay back loan in full, but chooses not to. I'm petitioning SBR mods (Shari) to either confiscate his pts ala Carseller, or simply ban him. He is making a complete mockery of your pts/loan system. Only you have the power to stop it & set example for others contemplating stiffing. Snicker has acknowledged debt in this thread he created: http://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/poker/2154...obbywaves.html

For those who say SBR doesn't have time to get involved. Is it really time consuming to send Snicker a PM ultimatum saying, "pay loan or be banned"? It would take just seconds & surely be effective. To do nothing is condoning the behavior. Sending a crystal clear message, it's ok to stiff with no consequences.

If you agree with this reasonable & overdue petition, please nominate post showing your approval. If there's enough approval & community outrage over stiffs, hopefully SBR will crack down on the problem. Thank you in advance for everyone's anticipated cooperation in this matter.