Originally posted on 01/20/2013:

no I just mean I want a 12 a day avg encouraged.

but anything longer than 30 days the other interest applies.. still also encouraging sending 12 a day.

Basically time value of said pts... and 1300 for 1k loan is still decent for 120 days. thats 4 months and would be very slow paying imo if it took that long.. you are not accustomed to that anyway bud

I have updated mine if you want the new terms.. its the best I can do.

For future reference with most loans it has to be under 4-500 pts to get a true 12 per day avg @ 20%

1k loans always come with stiffer interest rates as its more risky.. and if you plan to pay it off in a decent time then the 20% or so still applies based on a month term.
