Originally posted on 11/13/2012:

Quote Originally Posted by BiTeMe UsAdOj View Post

tt... I am so disappointed in you.

I never thought you were a scumbag-douche-of-a-stiffing-twat in your heart of hearts.

But obviously that has to be reevaluated.

Arun showed you nothing but kindness... and this is how you repay that kindness?

Arun is not harassing you... Be a MAN, and PAY THE MAN.

Oh... and let me let you in on this universal profundity: When YOU don't do the right thing and instead act dishonorably, it invalidates all the claims you make against others for acting dishonorably toward you.

Offsetting penalties in the universe, if you will.

In the karmic cosmos, your misguided actions render perceived wrongs against you... MEANINGLESS.
Good post, Bite Me.

I was able to find out that this outstanding loan was part of the reason TT lost his moderating job. If he doesn't start making payments to Arun, a guy that has shown him nothing but kindness, I'm going to find out if we can get TT banned completely.

Nothing irritates me more than a deadbeat. This guy has 640 points he's sitting on, and doesn't give Arun anything but 25, and only because he was prompted? What a scumbag.