Originally posted on 11/08/2012:

Does softball mom count?
Travel ball tips.

Buy a canopy if you don't already own one. You will thank me for this when it is 100+ degrees outside in the shade.

Bring snacks (watermelon, strawberries etc to tournaments young girls eat a lot in between games and it beats filling them with sugar and crap)

MAke friends with the ones that have been doing it for years, they are the ones that will know what is going on. (if they have older kids that played travel ball this helps immenselly.)

Be prepared to spend 50-100 easily each day of each tournament. Merchandise...

If she wants to pitch or catch start her now! Lessons etc. It will be worth it down the road.

Invest in quality equipment. Cleats, sliding pad, sliding shorts etc. Yeah she will grow out of them, but it's better to have one really good pair then a pair that will fall apart. Also invest in a pair that is cheap and leave it in the vehicle. (for those bad days when something gets forgotten at home and you are hours away)

High quality lawn chairs (you will be spending a lot of time in these A LOT)

Always bring lots of drinks, always.

Always pack and umbrella. Again always

Before you purchase a bat, make sure it meets standards for the travel league.

If possible buy an extra pair of socks, again just trust me on this one.