Originally posted on 07/16/2012:

Sounds like you reached a stage where you thought you were bullet proof.

People often bust my chops for my user ID. They'll tell me the correct term is +EV and not EVPlus. When I was new to this that's the way I referred it (backwards). Now that I know better, I still keep it that way. You know why...? It's to remind myself that, in many ways, I will NEVER have all the right answers and keep learning every day.

If I were you, I'd do the following:

1) Take time off and do NOT reload (it will be too tempting to make stupid get-even type bets).

2) Actually write down all the things that happened during the time you had your epic collapse; something will appear that you can learn from.

3) If/when you return, keep in mind the mistakes you made that brought your br from 18000 to 200 and ALSO have the presence of mind to know that there are more land mines you have yet to discover.

4) Others will laugh at this final advice but I swear by it. Clean up your diet and exercise. A disciplined body supports a disciplined mind and vice versa. I hit the gym an average of 4 days a week. On mornings I cap, I make sure I have plenty of sleep and for breakfast I'll avoid sugar because the sugar crash makes me drowsy and I lose focus. I know it's fashionable to have a doughnut, a cigarette, and a shot of whiskey for breakfast before capping a winner. It may work for some but not for me.