Originally posted on 07/09/2012:

98% of us here are losers-me included

thats what gambling does to you

i consider myself probably top 3 most normal posters on the forum. opie can probably attest to that

took up gambling in my 20's. used to go out. lead a normal life. bar scene. trying to hook up with girls. had other interests. that all ended. thats what it does to you

i don't have movie star looks. but i'll tell you this. guarantee I'm top 5 best looking posters. but when gambling ruins your fukkin personality and your life and turns you into a bitter prikk and a fukkin shut-in you turn into me.

so girls like shari on a fukkin gambling forum is sadly the only interaction with females sikk fukks like me have

young guys like leafy and big deem need to get out of this life now before they turn into someone like me