Originally posted on 06/12/2012:

Im an american and i played and loved soccer when i was young. I think it keeps u in great shape. I think the reason its not that big here is because it is a unrewarding sport on a individual level. It is more of a team thing. Were as in basketball, baseball or football all rewarding on a idividual level. And we americans are all about idividual success screw if the team does good as long as i had a good game thats all i care about. Plus all the money in pro sports here in america are in baseball, football and basketball. When i was young in the 80's and early 90's soccer was pretty big for youth leagues. But now adays there are hardly any youth rec leagues which hurts the sport cuz alot of kids arent exposed to it at a young age or at ever for that fact. Its pretty sad cuz i think if kids got to play it at a young age they would enjoy it and maybe kids wouldnt be fat and lazy.