"Lol, And they're still talking about me rather the papers. Amazing."

Is not this what you desire? When you mention that you have made more contributions to the forum than all of us combined, you sound like an attention whore. I wanted to create an open forum for discussing research. I was hoping to avoid attention whores. Personally, I'd like to see what you contributed and I didn't realize that these threads existed. Wouldn't a more positive result occur if you just said, "Hey guys. I am the godfather of models and meaningful contribution and I have already been where you guys want to go. You should just look at my thread and praise me." Instead, you hide your objective, or maybe you don't even realize it. An ego can create a POV logjam and prevent someone from recognizing that not everyone has the same motivations. I do find it odd that you would bash what I am wanting to do by stating that to do so publicly would be stupid, when it sounds like you publicly made contributions that are supposedly searchable. Or maybe they aren't public as SBR's search function appears flawed. I have tried to use it and have been unable to find posts past a certain date. Also, did you explain the process behind your models, or did you just produce them for others to use? Again, this is not what I want. I want to analyze the process. You probably can't see this, but you're contradicting yourself. With your argument, no one in their right mind would share anything worthwhile, but you've shared and contributed more than the lot of us ever could and it was perfectly okay for it to be public. I hope it brought you lot's of internet glory--though it sounds like you haven't had your fill.

For me, this is just a hobby. I read a post where you stated that you were a professional poker player for a stint. Well done. I can see that you likely take gambling more seriously than me. I never want gambling to be my main source of income. I am not cut out for it.

Though it's useless, as it seems that once your mind's made up, there's no amount of convincing otherwise that another possibility may exist, but I am not asking anyone to spoon-feed me anything. This would be the antithesis to the bottom-line of my objective. The reason I wanted to share academic articles is because not everyone has access to these articles. If I wanted to debate a certain concept or approach to a concept discussed in an article with another poster--something I thoroughly enjoy, I need them to read the same article. Again, you are making quite a few judgments based upon a limited point of view of others.

Obviously, as you are lurking and waiting for posters to say something that you can destroy, SBR is not the right venue for what I am hoping to achieve. I want everyone to be able to share and ask questions without being preyed upon by an ego-maniac who is hell bent on derailing a thread that does not bow down to his past, public contributions. Therefore, it seems like private messaging, emailing, or yahoo pass-protected group is the only way to monitor the discussion so that it can stay on point. I guess you win, Monkey. The discussion won't occur publicly on SBR, but it will occur.