Originally posted on 10/27/2011:

Right wingers are completely insulated from the world the 99% of Americans occupy. That is why they spend so much time online where they can create a fantasy land for themselves and other right wing turds. They all jerk each other off and talk about how great America would be if not for OBAMA, the socialists, and lazy minorities!!! They talk about how great America used to be, without actually know where we came from and what made us great in the first place.

I have a job. Thank God. Many do not. I have a cousin who couldn't find a job, he was a hard core right winger, has two kids, divorced with a mortgage. He used to blast people on unemployment, then he lost his jobs and was the first one to apply. He would go to all the job boards, papers, etc.. The thing that eventually got him a job was a family contact. Sure there are job opening, there are also people losing their job. Just because there is a opening doesn't mean there are enough, if there was we wouldn't have 16% real unemployment.

Step outside your bubble, right wingers.