You probably shouldn't be too embarrassed, you live in one of the most free nations on Earth and one that provides you with more opportunity than just about any other. People in power in every country in the world do pretty fuqqed up things, often it takes a pretty psychopathic personality type (or being born into the right family) to get into power positions and once there people do anything to keep it. The history of Pakistan in the world is a pretty complex one and when it was created by cutting it out of Indai by the Brits it was always going to create death and misery.

Having said that, I am pretty sure that if you had been born in Pakistan, had an arranged marriage when you were a 12 year old virgin to some 60 year old who raped you on your wedding night, denied you access to education and internet gambling? - forget about it - well then you might look differently upon the actions of today.

You are only able to condemn because of what you have been given.