I've been at SBR close to 2 years now and have enjoyed my time here. It's a great source of entertainment, occasional place for advantage strategy and most importantly an innovative reward system for sports bettors. That being said there has been changes of late that are detrimental to SBR PROS.The economy is bad and it's been affecting the sportsbooks which in turns hurts the forums who feed clients to them. I don't begrudge SBR for making the changes. I don't think it's in any persons interest to see SBR lose money or go out of business altogether.

That being said if changes have to be made to the points system they should not be primarily put on the backs of the SBR PROS.

1)There is absolutely no reason to give NON PROS a 25,000 point cap on points earnings that they can transfer if they become SBR PROS afterwards. Your nose is still open to shot takers. In fact there is no reason at all to offer them anything besides what your breakeven rate as a points equivalent is for signing up someone to be a SBR PRO. You have no competition as far as another reward system goes. 4k points (or whatever your breakeven rate is) per year is enough for non pros to purchase sportsbook cash at various books or branded merchandise via the store. You will see no drop offs in affiliate signups or pro signups/renewals. In fact you will weed out a lot of the people who are net losers for you. You will also cut off scammers because the amount they can transfer is now capped.

The fact is people love free stuff and will continue visiting here consistently. Why should SBR pros share the variance of these people and subsequent points inflation? We posted up because we support SBR why do we have to incur the negative effects (points inflation) without having any upside because of them?

2) There needs to be a more open communication with SBR in regards to changes. Please create an Announcement subforum where you post changes to the program/the forum whatever. All the threads that matter get buried into oblivion eventually and your mods have to deal with people who didn't see the change asking what happened. People waste their time posting the same thing over and over and still have to be dealt with by mods. Enough.