Originally posted on 10/11/2011:

Quote Originally Posted by Doc JS View Post
Sorry, No1, but 3 weeks is more than a TAD slow...

SBR wouldn't have had to step in if Thad he kept up with his book. And it's fair to say nothing would have happened even now without Lou and SBR stepping in. I, for one, am glad for their intervention.

So, you can bang on SBR all you want, but put the blame for all this where it rightfully belongs...on Thad.

Hey Doc,

Your point is valid and I think Thad has owned up to it multiple times through out the various threads.

My take on Lou's comment and I think No1here's main point is that the comment made about Thad not admitting to points access being given back was an unnecessary extra "shot/jab" at Thad.

IMHO, Everybody should just leave it alone, take the high road and get on with having fun on this site!
