people(sbrpros) obviously fail to see how important forum money is to books...they also fail to see that when a book has to take 20-30% of its profit and give it to a forum, thats 20-30% that could be going to pay winning can have my name and address, but a 3rd party will never profit off my loses and will never know my wagers or other info that i might give a book...besides winning, i cant be blamed for helping a book slow/no pay winning players...nothing against any sbrpro, but ill never be worried about pts. or perks and ill never have myself to blame if an sbrpro book suddenly starts having payout issues

i will miss my buddies in sbrchat, but there are plenty of other places that have a working chat that doesnt fukk up every 5minutes and arent policed like its some sort of huge privilege to have...will be no problem getting the original chat guys to move to one of them...

sbr says that this will cut down on the clowns that get banned and then ghost... the guys in chat can sniff out a ghost the first day it can shari and there really shouldnt be an issue, you simply ban the ghost and ip...but its not my business model to fukk i said, there are better places to guys know where i will be.