Originally posted on 07/27/2011:

I was at the beer store once and there were two cashiers but one line feeding into both (it's actually much more efficient this way)... Anyways, a big black dude walks in and goes right past the line to the second cashier. I waited a few seconds to see if anyone in front of me was gonna do or say something but no one did. I mumbled "if no one else cares, I'll do it too" so I walk to the second cashier and step in front of him and he gives me a weird look and this is how the rest went down:

Me: Ya there was one lineup for both cashes so...
Him: Mang, I saw one line over there and no one over here so step back.
Me: No, we were all waiting longer than you so what makes you think you get to go first.
Him: Mang get outta my face, I'm going first.
Me: No you back the fukk up because I was here first.
Him: *pushes me*
Me: You better not touch me again.
Him: Or what motherfukker? *pushes me again*

So I crack him right in the jaw and it phases him but he doesn't do shit.. I could tell he was pissed so I squared up but he just said that if we weren't in a public place, I'd be dead and blah blah blah... Ends up walking out of the store without buying beer so when I finally left, I thought I'd find him waiting for me but he was nowhere to be found.

Punching him was more of just a reaction as this guy had 40 pounds on me easy and likely should have crushed me... but maybe I knew I'd have the backing of everyone there cause he cut all of us. It was funny though because no one said a word after he left including the two employees. The place was just silent. I walked out and everyone just kind of stared at me. Needless to say, I felt like a badass but also realize I was a bit lucky.