Originally posted on 06/23/2011:

Quote Originally Posted by no1here View Post
On top of the great advice most of the time the love has been tremendous. CreaturE is a very likeable guy and I hope that he realizes how important he is. Besides thread working for CreaturE a few more are benefiting from it. Big concern for how long and it is up to all of us to maintain our efforts. Ten weeks ago CreaturE was trapped in his patrents basement drinking himself to sleep nightly with no life. Now he has a job that he likes and working out in a gym. Keep it coming guys and lets keep pushing. I would love to see CreaturE at SBR bash next year trimmed down to the man that he desires to be.

i agree it took balls for CreaturE to come on to a forum and ask for help, even more so to post video's. im in a similar postion to CreaturE and for the past six months ive been on off diets mostly off lol, and his thread & courage has inspired me to stick too it also. so thank you CreaturE

PS. the support given by the people in this thread is a credit to the type of people we have in SBR.