90% of cops are crooked. Their word is always taken over the suspects. I have been a defendant in a few cases and have cops lie directly to the judges face and I could do nothing but sit there and laugh at the joke the system is. Let the judge know the truth and that I knew it made no difference because he was playing for the other team. Can't tell if the judges actually believe these bogus story tellers or if they just want you locked up to make money for the state and county. The "claim" the government loses money on inmates is absolutely absurd and untrue as well. I knew a kid who got stopped for jaywalking and ended up getting beaten and arrested for "assaulting n officer" and doing a little time because he would not hand over his ID for the bogus harrasment. Who got busted up and who left without a mark? Think we all know the answer. The system is unfixable but something that we live with every day. The opinion that don't do anything wrong and you will be fine is bogus also. I put myself in bad situations and dealt with the consequences but I know many people who were innocent or set up and did some real time.