Originally posted on 05/26/2011:

He can campaign on not voucherizing Medicare, not cutting social security to pay for more investor tax cuts, he can campaign on preventing a Republican Party overcome by folk wisdom and superstition from dismantling the very foundations of our modern society (gold standard, anyone?).

He can campaign on bringing health care to millions of Americans who previous had no access outside of stumbling into an ER near death.
He can campaign on banning the practice of insurance companies dishonestly cancelling policies because of the pre-existing condition loophole.
He can campaign on preventing a tidal wave of layoffs at the state and local level (if you don't know a policeman or teacher whose job was saved or a school or clinic that stayed open with stimulus money then you're either lying or living under a rock).
He can campaign on his steadily improving approval rating in states where the tea party over-performed in 2010 such as Wisconsin.
He can campaign on protecting the solvency of Medicare by finally killing Medicare Advantage, a Republican pilot program to privatize Medicare that was such a disaster that the only benefit it provided was to show how terribly Paul Ryan's plan to voucherize Medicare would be.

America must be prepared for a future where the western world is falling back to the pack compared to countries like India, China, and Brazil. This is a world where our influence is waning, our attempts to impose our will is met with greater resistance, and where we are in competition for resources like energy with peoples who previously were unable to afford them. America must have a leader who recognizes that any attempt to stop this change from happening would only accelerate it. It costs a lot more to build high tech weapons than it does to destroy them (example: supercarrier vs. anti-ship ballistic missile), and if we're not careful we too can get spent out of existence.