Yesterday I didnt lose much money...but I lost out on some HUGE gains!

Lost a 7 teamer by 1 game
Lost a 6 teamer by 1 game!
Lost a 3 teamer by 1 game!!
Lost a 9 teamer (with $$ lines) by ONE GAME!!!!!!!

Only 2 of those parlays had similar plays in of those said plays being the costly loser for 2.

All were $10 parlays because I didnt have much money in my account yesterday due to dealing with power outage situations and I made my plays sporadically on my phone while I still had some juice from charging in my car.

Ended up hitting a 5 teamer to rake in 250 to give me enough to at least make it thru til Saturday if I go 0 fer the week.

All in all...I lost out on potentially 1700+ If I were to hit ALL of those Parlays....but the 7 teamer wouldve been the Golden Goose, earning me nearly 800!

Tough to swallow...never really truly expect to hit parlays with that many plays, but when you come sooo close on all of them, it kinda makes it worse!

Thanks for reading my Gamblers Anonymous rant! Good Luck, and I hope this NEVER happens to YOU or ME again!