Coupla thoughts. Terrible call for "infield fly rule". Shortstop was never set under the ball and it was way too deep. However, it was a shitty at bat for Simmons (goat) and by all rights he should've been out. What scared the shortstop into making such an awful error?? It was either the Umpire yelling out 'INFIELD FLY RULE' and the SS thought the LF was calling him off.......or the LF yelled 'INFIELD FLY RULE' in order to make the ump make the call (which scared the SS) and then the dumb ass ump did just that.

Either way, it's a horseshttt rule as written. If the ump calls the infield fly rule, but the player doesn't make the catch, all runners and batter should advance. In what other rule in baseball is there on out with a put-out????

Umps suck, refs suck, replacement refs suck more, NBA refs are the worst (and I'm including big-time wrestling refs).