Astonishing. What a great country America is, what a great world we live in. The unemployment rate is and has been ridiculously high for sometime and the winner of the Women's US Open get's 1.6 million $'s. What makes it wack? It was and is all out of sorts because of rain, and the Open like other venues unwillingness to change tradition and move this to a place with a roof or to add a roof to the facility makes this totally into a Bush League experience; unless you are being paid to be a part of this event. Furthermore, I feal for the hard working people that work in factories all around the world creating most of the things that we use in our daily lives who feal as if they have hit the lottery if they find a job making $20 an hour which by the way is a little over $40,000 a year, which by the way will take you 40 years to reach an amount someone reaches in 2 weeks of a shabby ran event such as the U.S. Open and most tennis events in which weather routinely throws both participants and fans off. What a great world we live. We sure have values in the correct place. We sure exhibit so much class.

P.S. Kudos to the real Working Class individuals of the world.