Originally posted on 07/26/2014:

Quote Originally Posted by Hareeba! View Post
The only possible hope is to get a judgement for fraud against the directors and then pursue them for your money.

That just can't be achieved in the UK.

It has to happen in the country where the directors reside and hopefully have the means to pay, i.e. Australia.

And if ASIC don't see sufficient evidence to pursue such a conviction, you really are up against it.
It seems the line of initiation of a criminal case in Australia may be over from what has been said above, unless I am reading things incorrectly.

As has been said many times, civil proceedings against the companies can't recover anything as the companies have no remaining assets. It has to be off the back a criminal investigation to make the liability personal rather than corporate. In the UK if there was enough evidence for the Insolvency Service to consider there is a case to answer then extradition would be applied for. Any subsequent financial recovery could also be enforced in Australia through use of the Foreign Judgment Act.

Mind you, this would take an awfully long time, even if successful.