1. #351
    Coach Potato
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    my problem is that u seem to be just dismissing the show n characters becuz there's a lot of female characters on the forefront instead of just looking at them as incredibly well written characters first n foremost. And also every movie, tv show, book and person has their own agenda including U. who seems to just wanna see the same looking white dudes in everything so u feel comfortable in ur safe little world. it's called DIVERSITY. get used to it.

    lol u call me a cuck but u come across as just sum angry lonely insecure dude who gets no play n is easily threatened by powerful female charachters whether they r fictisous or not.
    Last edited by Coach Potato; 08-08-17 at 09:26 AM.

  2. #352
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coach Potato View Post
    my problem is that u seem to be just dismissing the show n characters becuz there's a lot of female characters on the forefront instead of just looking at them as incredibly well written characters first n foremost. And also every movie, tv show, book and person has their own agenda including U. who seems to just wanna see the same looking white dudes in everything so u feel comfortable in ur safe little world. it's called DIVERSITY. get used to it.

    lol u call me a cuck but u come across as just sum angry lonely insecure dude who gets no play n is easily threatened by powerful female charachters whether they r fictisous or not.
    Ur obviously a liberal goon. Or maybe a chick. What you are calling diversity is politically correct propaganda. I am not dismissing the show, I loved it but now it's becoming a joke. Yes, many movies, shows, and especially books have agendas but most of them are based in reality. You can't just shrug it off and say "meh it's fiction" when you just said everything has an agenda. This we're all equal and actually women are better at most things agenda everywhere you look is destructive because it's a lie and has been proven a lie for over 2 million years of humanity. To dismiss such an obvious false narrative from this show and a lot of the rest of the media is a willfully ignorant thing to do.

    Let's say the media decided to push the narrative that children are just as capable of making rules and decisions as the adults in the home. Or how about if all the tv shows and movies started to make it seem people drove better when they were drunk.

    Sure those examples are more obviously damaging, but purposefully telling lies about society (cloaked in the excuse that it's fiction) which will inevitably have an effect on that society is dangerous and destructive.

  3. #353
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    Quote Originally Posted by brooks85 View Post
    ^you picked a good time to watch, a lot of the cliffhangers that pissed people off won't be your problem.

    And the girl thing is so obvious it is part of an agenda. Same reason the new star trek has a female as the captain. Same reason for star war's lead characters being a female and male minorities. It's painfully obvious except to the oblivious. New iron man is already slated to be a girl lol a black girl too ooooo special

    And after wonder woman don't expect it to get any better. Wonder woman was overdue for a movie but it's going spawn all kinds of garbage in the years to come.
    Leave it to brooks to take the simplistic view.Television and movies are still dominated by white guys. Don't worry that's not changing anytime soon.

  4. #354
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlowilly View Post
    Originally Posted by dlowilly
    Heavy handed girl power fiction. A lot of it wasn't even in the books if I'm not mistaken. Becomes insulting

    Ok let me be specific:

    Strong women (sure to be misspellings)

    Cercei- Queen of the Iron Throne and shrewd, cunning, tactical leader that always finds a way to get revenge or whatever else she wants.

    Daenaerys Targarean- Bold young woman who is very sure of herself and has faith in her leadership abilities as do many others. She was the chosen one, not her brother who was killed when liquid gold was poured on his head. She can't be burnt and has 3 pet dragons.

    Sansa Stark- Was raped and defiled on her wedding night but of course avenged that by letting Ramsay's dogs eat him alive. Very sure of herself and smarter than everyone else in the north

    Brienne of Tarth- Rivals any man in battle and beat the shit of the Hound and Jamie Lannister. Honorable and honest

    Arya Stark- Barely 5'0 100 lbs but is the greatest assassin in the 7 kingdoms and can grab and control a man with one hand (Walder Frey) so she can slit his throat.

    Yara Greyjoy- Aggressive, talented leader who has earned the respect of her father and his men as the heir. Sure she got captured but was delivered to Cercei, not a guy

    Olenna Tyrell- Matriarch of the Tyrells who out thinks all her male adversaries and scoffs at their ridiculousness and inferiority. Even when her house is destroyed by the Lannister army she tricks Jamie into giving her a painless death and gets the last laugh when she tells him she poisoned his son.

    Ellaria Sand- Sure she's evil but she's beautiful, vengeful and determined. Her luck runs out eventually but once again it's Cercei who takes care of that.


    Eddard Stark- So naively ethical he got his head cut off

    Jaime Lannister- Has one hand

    Tyrion Lannister- A dwarf

    Theon Greyjoy- Got his dick cut off

    Jon Snow- Even though it's hinted he is something more he is known by everyone as a bastard

    The Hound- Pisses his pants around fire

    Varys- Missing the pillar and stones

    Greyworm- Also missing his junk

    Samwell Tarly- Fat boy who takes care of an inbred girl and her (but not his) child like a cuck, and she doesn't even give him any

    Petyr Baelish- Strongly hinted that although he has his parts, they are miniature (Littlefinger)
    Do you know anything about the source material? That's the story.

  5. #355
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy117 View Post
    Do you know anything about the source material? That's the story.
    Haven't read the books but from people that have I hear HBO has been very liberal with the female characters

    Speaking of the books, is there something explained in the books but not on the show of why Daenaerys can't just fly up with her dragons one afternoon, barbecue the whole army of the dead, and then get back in time to flick her golden bean before bed?

  6. #356
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlowilly View Post
    Haven't read the books but from people that have I hear HBO has been very liberal with the female characters

    Speaking of the books, is there something explained in the books but not on the show of why Daenaerys can't just fly up with her dragons one afternoon, barbecue the whole army of the dead, and then get back in time to flick her golden bean before bed?
    The books and HBO aren't very different in terms of how female characters are integral to the story. The show is now slightly ahead of the books, so it's not clear as to why Dany can't just fly up north other than as in many shows/movies the easy solution would just cause the end of the show much sooner.

  7. #357
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    another stupid, largely useless episode

    episode 6: they kidnap a whitewalker

    episode 7: they show it to cersei. Queen dragon and cersei meet for first time with some stupid look on their faces as the cliffhanger

    this season has been a joke so far. I'm just going to have to get the books but I'm not even going to start until they are all out. Budgeting has largely ruined this show, it just got too big for it's own good. 5 actors in the show are making $1.1 mil per episode which is the main reason they cut the seasons short.
    Last edited by brooks85; 08-14-17 at 08:36 AM.

  8. #358
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    Quote Originally Posted by brooks85 View Post
    another stupid, largely useless episode

    episode 6: they kidnap a whitewalker

    episode 7: they show it to cersei. Queen dragon and cersei meet for first time with some stupid look on their faces as the cliffhanger

    this season has been a joke so far. I'm just going to have to get the books but I'm not even going to start until they are all out. Budgeting has largely ruined this show, it just got too big for it's own good. 5 actors in the show are making $1.1 mil per episode which is the main reason they cut the seasons short.
    Martin is never gonna finish.

    Tyrion's big plan makes no sense at all.

  9. #359
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    Also, why not offer to take one of Cercei's trusted advisers or relatives beyond the wall to tell her what they have seen? Why do something insanely dangerous trying to capture one, then try to move it over 1000 miles to show to Cercei?

  10. #360
    Hugh Madbrough
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    Quote Originally Posted by brooks85 View Post
    another stupid, largely useless episode

    episode 6: they kidnap a whitewalker

    episode 7: they show it to cersei. Queen dragon and cersei meet for first time with some stupid look on their faces as the cliffhanger

    this season has been a joke so far. I'm just going to have to get the books but I'm not even going to start until they are all out. Budgeting has largely ruined this show, it just got too big for it's own good. 5 actors in the show are making $1.1 mil per episode which is the main reason they cut the seasons short.
    I'm actually enjoying the current season. I feel bad for Jorah Mormont though, every time he comes back to the mother of dragons, only to get cucked.

  11. #361
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    ^unless the last episode is like Hardhome then I don't see what the point of this season was? It's not that it has been completely useless just largely. These 5 episodes could have been 3 and then we might have something that is going somewhere but only two episodes left for the season.

    Next episode they are going to spend the majority of time kidnapping a whitewalker, that's just silly. So that only leaves one episode left for queen dragon and cersei to do whatever they are going to do. Doesn't seem promising setup for the final two episodes.

    They should have just killed cersei and jaime early on in the season, get some damn resolution and save $2.2 mil episode.
    Last edited by brooks85; 08-16-17 at 07:27 AM.

  12. #362
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    I heard Cersei and Bronn never are in the same scene because they used to date in real life and can't stand to be around eachother now LOL

  13. #363
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    that would be hilarious

    I just realized Episode 1 of this season the actress that plays cersei is ma-ma in Dredd movie. Character's are very similiar too.

  14. #364
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlowilly View Post
    I heard Cersei and Bronn never are in the same scene because they used to date in real life and can't stand to be around eachother now LOL
    That would actually be funny. Headey was probably a crazy freak and was sorta hot as Leonidas wife but now she's an old bananadykehaircut, this'll be it for her career

    Also, her character can't last, her kids never live and this new one won't either, she just threatened Jaime he knows she's crazy, I bet he helps kill her or does it himself. When she says, "Big whoop" to the captured white walker everyone will know she has to die with the incest baby

  15. #365
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    Headey and Jerome Flynn don't speak to each other

    Headey's messy divorce isn't the only time her dirty laundry has been aired in the tabloids. In 2014, word got out to The Telegraph that Headey and co-star Jerome Flynn, who plays low-born sellsword Bronn, were being kept apart from each other at all times. "Jerome and Lena aren't on speaking terms any more and they are never in the same room at the same time," a Game of Thrones crew member admitted to The Telegraph. "It's a pity because they appeared to have patched things up for a while, but now the word is they should be kept apart at all costs." The exact reason behind their on-set tension was not made clear. However, it may have something to do with the fact that Headey courted the mercenary more than a decade ago.

  16. #366
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    episode 6 leaked, tonight just got interesting. No worries of spoiling anything, won't return until Monday lol

  17. #367
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlowilly View Post
    Haven't read the books but from people that have I hear HBO has been very liberal with the female characters

    Speaking of the books, is there something explained in the books but not on the show of why Daenaerys can't just fly up with her dragons one afternoon, barbecue the whole army of the dead, and then get back in time to flick her golden bean before bed?
    Dragons will die in extremely cold temperatures. And if they die North of the Wall, then the WhiteWalkers will have their own dragon. This is what I'm telling myself anyway to make the current storyline make any sense at all.

  18. #368
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    The amount of plot armor Jon Snow has in this series is ridiculous. So last night 10 guys surrounded by 5,000 zombies and they fight off the zombies just long enough for Dany and her dragons to make yet another save. The only good thing from last night is now the White Walkers got a dragon. I hope the White Walkers win the whole thing.

  19. #369
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    yeah that episode was horseshit, truly one of the worst plot-holed filled episodes of any show I've ever seen.

    Queen D could have just flown North and back in apparently 30mins and seen the white walkers without ever being in any risk or wasting an episode kidnapping a walker.

    Biggest plot hole ever tho was when Queen D landed and no one said anything about the night king. Jon and everyone else would be yelling to go kill the Night King since he was only about 50-100 yards away. War over.

    And now next episode is going to be stupid meeting between queen D and cersei, the final shot will be everyone in meeting room together with stupid looks on their faces.

    And that silly save by benjen was Bran as three eye raven so at least that makes some sense but still ridiculous. Obviously jon snow isn't going to die again yet so the constant pretend threat is just annoying.
    Last edited by brooks85; 08-21-17 at 07:11 AM.

  20. #370
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlowilly View Post
    Originally Posted by dlowilly
    Heavy handed girl power fiction. A lot of it wasn't even in the books if I'm not mistaken. Becomes insulting

    Ok let me be specific:

    Strong women (sure to be misspellings)

    Cercei- Queen of the Iron Throne and shrewd, cunning, tactical leader that always finds a way to get revenge or whatever else she wants.

    Daenaerys Targarean- Bold young woman who is very sure of herself and has faith in her leadership abilities as do many others. She was the chosen one, not her brother who was killed when liquid gold was poured on his head. She can't be burnt and has 3 pet dragons.

    Sansa Stark- Was raped and defiled on her wedding night but of course avenged that by letting Ramsay's dogs eat him alive. Very sure of herself and smarter than everyone else in the north

    Brienne of Tarth- Rivals any man in battle and beat the shit of the Hound and Jamie Lannister. Honorable and honest

    Arya Stark- Barely 5'0 100 lbs but is the greatest assassin in the 7 kingdoms and can grab and control a man with one hand (Walder Frey) so she can slit his throat.

    Yara Greyjoy- Aggressive, talented leader who has earned the respect of her father and his men as the heir. Sure she got captured but was delivered to Cercei, not a guy

    Olenna Tyrell- Matriarch of the Tyrells who out thinks all her male adversaries and scoffs at their ridiculousness and inferiority. Even when her house is destroyed by the Lannister army she tricks Jamie into giving her a painless death and gets the last laugh when she tells him she poisoned his son.

    Ellaria Sand- Sure she's evil but she's beautiful, vengeful and determined. Her luck runs out eventually but once again it's Cercei who takes care of that.


    Eddard Stark- So naively ethical he got his head cut off

    Jaime Lannister- Has one hand

    Tyrion Lannister- A dwarf

    Theon Greyjoy- Got his dick cut off

    Jon Snow- Even though it's hinted he is something more he is known by everyone as a bastard

    The Hound- Pisses his pants around fire

    Varys- Missing the pillar and stones

    Greyworm- Also missing his junk

    Samwell Tarly- Fat boy who takes care of an inbred girl and her (but not his) child like a cuck, and she doesn't even give him any

    Petyr Baelish- Strongly hinted that although he has his parts, they are miniature (Littlefinger)
    Wow, that's an eye opener. When you put it all together it's a cuck parade.

    What annoys me is that some giant chick is the strongest, most skilled fighter there is - except for Arya, of course. It's a little much.
    I've been rooting for the white walkers ever since the night king's big scene.

    Would like to see him get together with Mother of Dragons. Very powerful couple.

  21. #371
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    I thought the biggest plot hole wasn't the time issue of Daenarys getting up there to help, or that she didn't go after the King. Why in the world would the night king see a dragon sitting a hundred yards away from him with a bunch of his enemies on it's back and then decide to throw the ice spear at a quickly moving dragon in flight a lot further away?

  22. #372
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    yeah I noticed that too, my only rationale was he wanted to take out the dragon that was about to wreck his army and possibly even himself since the dragon was flying towards him. And really for as far as he can throw there was no point even walking closer. He could have hit Queen D's dragon easily then went for the other dragon.

    There was also the giant chains. Where in the hell did those come from and how would have they even got them around the dragon?

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    that is a solid theory on the chains, it might be a bit too much spoiling for some so be warned. But it does make sense especially when you consider how was the night king able to sense bran watching through the raven?
    Last edited by brooks85; 08-25-17 at 07:10 AM.

  24. #374
    Hugh Madbrough
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    What are your guys thoughts on the fan theory that Bran is the Night King?

  25. #375
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh Madbrough View Post
    What are your guys thoughts on the fan theory that Bran is the Night King?
    Sounds a bit jtoleresque

  26. #376
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    Zombie dragon... best series ever!! loved Breaking Bad and Walking dead...but man this past season put GOT at #1 for me

  27. #377
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh Madbrough View Post
    What are your guys thoughts on the fan theory that Bran is the Night King?
    if that's true then the scene with bran watching through the ravens and then being surprised when the night king notices him will have been meaningless. It's possible tho.

    I think the theory about the night king somehow being a greenseer is the only leg they can stand on. It made no sense for the night king to have the those chains unless he already knew a dragon was coming. It would be plausible for the night king to be a greenseer given he was around in the beginning.

  28. #378
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    I thought the night king looked stupid on top of the dragon. The idea sounds cool but I don't think the budget could make it happen. It looked like they fell into the uncanny valley with what we got and I laughed when I saw the blue fire breath. I can't wait for the DBZ-esque showdown between the two dragon's breathe...

    Didn't like the season, if you consider where we left off last season then this season really told us nothing new. And with only 6 episodes left and all the main players still alive we are going to get a final season like battlestar galatica. People are going to be dying left and right, and the writing is going to be silly.

  29. #379
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    At least the King of the North got to put his sword in Dany last night.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheSideBet View Post
    At least the King of the North got to put his sword in Dany last night.
    Aren't they first cousins though? Everyone either gets raped, gets their parts cut off, or fuks their relatives on this show

  31. #381
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheSideBet View Post
    At least the King of the North got to put his sword in Dany last night.
    Aegon Targaryen did what jjgold couldn't...he fukked his aunt!

  32. #382
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlowilly View Post
    Aren't they first cousins though? Everyone either gets raped, gets their parts cut off, or fuks their relatives on this show
    apparently in the original draft's of the first books there was a jon snow/arya love story...

    If lena dunham wrote the books then that pedophile story would still be in there and liberals would love it.

  33. #383
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    Quote Originally Posted by brooks85 View Post
    I thought the night king looked stupid on top of the dragon.
    Totally agree, it was out of place.

    I'm one of the very few, of the forums I post on, that thought this final epsiode of season 7 was actually bad. Slow, anticlimactic, and with all the revelations it was fairly boring. It didn't need to be 1:22 either, could have easily been 55 as usual. The director Kubrick'd that BS

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    Quote Originally Posted by dlowilly View Post
    Aren't they first cousins though? Everyone either gets raped, gets their parts cut off, or fuks their relatives on this show
    his aunt

  35. #385
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    Yeah and how is a wight dragon shooting fire? A living dragon shooting fire is one thing, but a wight dragon shooting fire doesn't even make sense. It would kill itself.

    In the book I heard the wight dragon actually had ice breathe.

    also, just read the theory about bran being the night king and I get it. I thought the theory was bran was controlling him now but the theory is bran went back in time and got trapped in night king's body. Certainly interesting theory and ties in how night king knew to bring the chains.
    Last edited by brooks85; 08-29-17 at 12:29 PM.

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