Originally posted on 07/10/2023:

It all starts on July 20th / 2023. My thoughts and wagers on the Group Stage. Appreciate all thoughts , insights and positive input......

Group A : ( Fifa Rankings )

1. Norway ( 12 )
2. Switzerland ( 20 )
3. New Zealand ( 26 )
4. Philipines ( 46 )

I think Norway have a good mix of experience and youthful talent to win the group. The game between The Swiss and New Zealand on July 30th will decide 2nd and advancement imo. Its a thin line between the 2, and home sentiment could sway to a New Zealand upset.

Group B :

1. Australia ( 10 )
2. Canada ( 7 )
3. Rep. Ireland ( 22 )
4. Nigeria ( 40 )

Australia were sensational last World Cup. They caught a lot of people by surprise and upset mighty Brazil. They are on home soil , with a very experienced coaching staff and should battle Canada on July 31st for the Group. The loser of that game should seal the deal on the 2nd spot. Rep. of Ireland are a very scrappy side that keeps it tight at the back and could steal a point.