Originally posted on 03/10/2020:

Quote Originally Posted by d2bets View Post
Except that you pretty much know the "winners" in advance. We know who's in the 20% high-risk group. Young/healthy people have little to no risk of fatality. Old/infirm people are playing russian roulette if acquired.
Anyone(age doesn't matter) with high blood pressured, heart disease, lung disease, cancer or diabetes is in fatality range........

The US is king of the obese diabetics, high blood pressure and heart diseased citizens while China is the healthiest nation.......

So it's gonna cause, God only knows how many more deaths in the US
than China.....

In the US,around 40% of adults aged 20 and over are obese including around 8% with severe obesity with another 32% who are overweight........

Now imagine how many young people who don't know they have HBP........

I'd bet 80% of SBR have HBP from stress alone caused by their gambling
addiction....The obese numbers here are most likely Godawfully high........