Originally posted on 10/08/2012:

Quote Originally Posted by BiTeMe UsAdOj View Post
tt has already mentioned to me he suspects that you are also sideloaded, deadphish and Blondie.

I told him I'm unsure about the deadphish and Blondie connection, but that I definitely agree that you're sideloaded.


tt theorizes your ultimate goal is to be able to sit down at an SBR poker tourney table and occupy every fukkin seat.

I countered that I don't think your plan is as sinister as that...
... I just think it's your twisted way to try and pick-up guys.

Thanks for the confirmation... I had long suspected this episode dealt with you:


Prolly good you relocated to the West Coast after your parole, but be very careful; hang out there long nuff with those West Coast loons and you end up doing stupid shit like losing ~ 18k points betting on the SF Giants.
One of those three names you mentioned is actually me. I'm not going to say which one, but it's not sideloaded, it's not deadphish, and I'm not a brunette by any means. That's all I'm willing to say about that.

Quote Originally Posted by ttwarrior1 View Post
hopefully he will be banned soon

I agree with you, TT. Hopefully You Mad Bro will be banned soon.