1. #1
    Alien Robot Sex Party
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    I'm a millennial help me understand

    Help me understand other millennials. I apologize for the long post but I had to get this off my chest lest I succumb to a heart attack. I'd appreciate it stay in PT.

    There is a called to protest, outright ban, the electoral college. There are demonstrations against the election of Trump as president of the USA. A call to have Jon Stewart run in 2020. A farewell and dream to Bernie losing the primary. They are so sure if Bernie went head to head with Trump he'd win easily.

    They are wrong. Trump is our president. We have to accept like it or not. I do not like it, but he won, fair and square. He would've beat Bernie, The Dalhia Llama, Biden etc because the platform did not conform to the primary issue/grievance depressing a large voting bloc of the electorate. Trump would've destroyed them all because he was the only option to at least offer an alternative to calcified establishment that eroded the economic viability of a huge geographic area of the United States that dates back to the 90s. Yet all I see is millennials running to facebook calling racism, misogyny, homphiobia of this country because they don't see people struggling to survive.

    I am very afraid of the youngest generation, my generation's, refusal to learn from its mistakes. Rather than autopsying this election to learn where things went wrong, they cry foul.

    I am a liberal, I will learn from my party's mistakes. We will understand our fallacies and make ourselves better to the voting population that should've not, but did, go unnoticed,

    in the meantime, congratulation to Trump 2016

  2. #2
    JAKEPEAVY21's Avatar SBR PRO
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    hopefully things die down in a week or 2

    like you said, Trump is going to be President whether people like it or not...get over it

    give the guy a chance

    in my eyes, things are already completely fukked up...maybe he will do some good things..
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    He will

  4. #4
    pilebuck13's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Stealthy you take the high road and should encourage friends family to do the same....these protesters are a bunch of cry baby's..there mad at the electoral college but if she had won and not got popular vote they would not have cared it's called being a poor sport little bitch then u get dumb bitches like lady Gaga basically keeping racial tentions high in America...

  5. #5
    Slipknot26's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    The Voters finally had enough of The Establishment.
    Trump ran on everything wrong with DC , Republican, Democrats, Independents, Liberals , we all know our politicians can't fix it , im not so sure they want to anyway . Hell they would've already if they could .
    Whether you like him or not , his campaign knew exactly what to go after with voters . They were smart enough to push what the issue is , the Government itself.
    I don't agree with him on everything, nobody should just because of party affiliation but I was ready for an outsider.
    The ones in DC are locked in the system. They're damn near all the same regardless of that little letter by their name .
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    Has greget check in yet? I respect real men and women who voiced the opinions good bad or indifferent who came back and let it go and moved on people like him stealthy are the ones who are crying and pouting because the media made them believe he had no chance and that he is racist now we have a race war that is stronger then it was and the celebrity's and media are doing nothing but keeping it going

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by pilebuck13 View Post
    Stealthy you take the high road and should encourage friends family to do the same....these protesters are a bunch of cry baby's..there mad at the electoral college but if she had won and not got popular vote they would not have cared it's called being a poor sport little bitch then u get dumb bitches like lady Gaga basically keeping racial tentions high in America...
    Buckles Liberals took the high road all election vis a vis trump outbursts. They thought they didn't have to engage the outer extremeties of trump support BECAUSE THEY ASSUMED THAT WAS THE MAJORITY OF TRUMP SUPPORTERS. They couldn't be further from the truth.

    Trump support comes from the heartland, and YET THEY STILL REFUSE TO BELIEVE IT. They are normal people looking to make a living.

    It is unbearable and it sickens. Liberals weren't playing politics. They though they were playing moral authority.

  8. #8
    The Kraken
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    Thats a loaded post post stealthy, one that would take me hours to respond to in full on my phone

    But I think the most basic premise is that they feel they have no control so they act out. Protests are the new thing, and when used strategically, they can be powerful, but they lose their effectiveness when you start protesting everything. Look at how watered down these protests feel.

    Grinding out change is hard and most don't have the slightest clue where to begin or the avenues to navigate to create change from within. So they feel helpless, and end up throwing bricks theogh windows because ya, fukk the man, and it feels good to fukk shit up when you're angry and don't have an outlet.

    My solution is better education and informing people how to get involved and making it easier to be politically active. Its not a sexy answer but coming from someone that has fought political battles, been active for the better part of nearly two decades and stood before the Oklahoma state supreme court multiple times, thats my answer.

  9. #9
    toga toga
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    Let's face it, both candidates were/are flawed. However, which candidates aren't?

    Ideally, Trump will focus on positive projects, like infrastructure and improving Obamacare, which have certain parts that are good for everyone.

    If if he really wants to build a bridge, he should put Bernie in his cabinet- like secretary of education. I know it is unrealistic but that really puts things in a different context.

    Trump,has been successful focusing on those taken for granted, essentially the majority of people, maybe catering a little to the over indulged (like many of the Bernie supporters) will work wonders.

  10. #10
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    I understand guys. I haven't read any articles yet about how/why the men/women conducting polls on the ground got it so wrong.

    Krackers, the best approach as a liberal, as you or I, is not to act out. I know for many people, including the young, it's hard to accept.

    THE KRAKEN, She lost, got her ass handed to her within the confines of our democratic system. It takes a team, perhaps an army, to diagnose the death of her campaign. There were so many misses it's unreal.

    instead, we have all these kids fighting what's already inevitable. It is an incredible waste of resources.

  11. #11
    The Kraken
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    Quote Originally Posted by toga toga View Post
    Let's face it, both candidates were/are flawed. However, which candidates aren't?

    Ideally, Trump will focus on positive projects, like infrastructure and improving Obamacare, which have certain parts that are good for everyone.

    If if he really wants to build a bridge, he should put Bernie in his cabinet- like secretary of education. I know it is unrealistic but that really puts things in a different context.

    Trump,has been successful focusing on those taken for granted, essentially the majority of people, maybe catering a little to the over indulged (like many of the Bernie supporters) will work wonders.
    But what about the essence of the OP?

  12. #12
    Alien Robot Sex Party
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    Quote Originally Posted by toga toga View Post
    Let's face it, both candidates were/are flawed. However, which candidates aren't?

    Ideally, Trump will focus on positive projects, like infrastructure and improving Obamacare, which have certain parts that are good for everyone.

    If if he really wants to build a bridge, he should put Bernie in his cabinet- like secretary of education. I know it is unrealistic but that really puts things in a different context.

    Trump,has been successful focusing on those taken for granted, essentially the majority of people, maybe catering a little to the over indulged (like many of the Bernie supporters) will work wonders.
    Toga, not sure if you know this or not, but a guy named Abraham Lincoln put men that he greatly disagreed with in his cabinet. Most presidents would never do that.

  13. #13
    The Kraken
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    Quote Originally Posted by stealthyburrito View Post
    I understand guys. I haven't read any articles yet about how/why the men/women conducting polls on the ground got it so wrong.

    Krackers, the best approach as a liberal, as you or I, is not to act out. I know for many people, including the young, it's hard to accept.

    THE KRAKEN, She lost, got her ass handed to her within the confines of our democratic system. It takes a team, perhaps an army, to diagnose the death of her campaign. There were so many misses it's unreal.

    instead, we have all these kids fighting what's already inevitable. It is an incredible waste of resources.
    Because they're upset, they're angry and they don't know what else to do. They have no other outlets.

    Steve Jobs once told the CEO of Pepsi to throw temper tantrums when she's passionate about something. He adviser her to pick up objects and throw them across the room to get peoples attention.

    Two important things to note here 1.) Jobs knows what he's talking about and 2.) Thats basically what Trump did, or atleast a parrallel can be imagined.

    To some extent, these millenials that are wasting their time protesting a legitimate election result are throwing the stapler across the room, they're throwing their temper tantrum. But unlike Trump, they have no end-game, they're just angry and acting out, and the stapler is a brick and the room is a car window

    Stealthy, its time someone teaches these kids how to get the results they desire without having to always throw a stapler, a brick or a temper tantrum, and to save that stuff for when it really matters.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Kraken View Post
    Because they're upset, they're angry and they don't know what else to do. They have no other outlets.

    Steve Jobs once told the CEO of Pepsi to throw temper tantrums when she's passionate about something. He adviser her to pick up objects and throw them across the room to get peoples attention.

    Two important things to note here 1.) Jobs knows what he's talking about and 2.) Thats basically what Trump did, or atleast a parrallel can be imagined.

    To some extent, these millenials that are wasting their time protesting a legitimate election result are throwing the stapler across the room, they're throwing their temper tantrum. But unlike Trump, they have no end-game, they're just angry and acting out, and the stapler is a brick and the room is a car window

    Stealthy, its time someone teaches these kids how to get the results they desire without having to always throw a stapler, a brick or a temper tantrum, and to save that stuff for when it really matters.
    Krackers, I agree for the general populace. Millennials would categorize themselves as progressives, but they are not democratics, or really even liberals, but they'll categorize themselves as that because it fits within the confines of our electoral process. It truly is a social phenomenon.

    There needs to be some level of new adaption, krackers

  15. #15
    pilebuck13's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Change will only happen once we as the usa come together otherwise they will always play us against one another have been doing it for generations and no politician is going to fix that it starts with every American

  16. #16
    astro61200's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    I am a millennial and find the protests stupid. I voted for Clinton as well, but throwing a hissy fit about it achieves nothing.

    I get where they are coming from, as they probably only associate with like minded people and thus they feel like because everyone they know voted for Clinton, then there must be something going on for her to lose. They fail to understand the Electoral College, and either won't listen to why it's necessary, or could careless about anyone over 100 miles away.

    They feel like older people fukked the country up, and now they're going to do it more by electing Trump. They feel like they know how to fix it but never get a chance because they are outnumbered by the older people, thus they lose elections.

    I understand their side of the story, and it's a common theme between generations. The older generation doesn't believe the newer generation has a clue as to what they're talking about. The newer generation blames any issues squarely on the older generation and resents them for talking down to them.

    Eventually Millennials will outnumber every other generation, and this process will repeat itself again.

    But, yes, the protests are stupid. Again, I voted for Clinton but I've looked over some of Trump's policies and am looking for something good that may come of him being in office.
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    frostno98's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by pilebuck13 View Post
    Change will only happen once we as the usa come together otherwise they will always play us against one another have been doing it for generations and no politician is going to fix that it starts with every American
    We thought it was bad when Obama was President wait until you see what Trump does once he is sworn. When you got guys like Guiliani and Steve Bannon as his top advisor, sh1t is going to get ugly quick.

    The end of times and revelation is near. The Anti-Christ will emerge sometime in the next decade I'm predicting. This civil unrest has been happening in Europe for awhile now, it has finally caught up to us. When a guy can say what he says and people still loves him for it, society is seriously f...k up.

  18. #18
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    1. The govt is indoctrinating the younger generation to accept liberal agendas, they use govt schools to do this
    Parents willingly send their children to public schools whether they be on the right or left.
    2. the schools are used to first lie and claim evolution is science, the person being brainwashed need only
    associate evolution and science together and brainwash complete, So they lie and claim animals
    mate and turn into people.
    3. Then they push their global warming agenda, gay agenda, and indoctrinate them with propaganda
    using words like hate, unity, divisiveness,
    But no one has to be brainwashed they choose

    These liberals dont protest when the democrats arm muslims to overthrow middle east govts
    They dont protest when the democrats encourage and allow police brutality
    They didnt protest when clinton said her mentor was a kkk member

    Liberals only use mock outrage to push their agendas,
    for instance mock outrage over trumps crazy comments about women
    But excuse when Clinton defends a rapist, and excuses Bill's history.
    When Bush started a war based on 911 lie, the liberals went crazy
    when obama starts a war arms muslims, creates a refugee crisis, no protest
    SO your generation suffers from lack of thinking critically, and dont know enough
    about propaganda
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    astro61200's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Oh, and I do believe Sanders would have beaten Trump. There are many many people who won't vote for Clinton because she is a woman (for instance I routinely heard my mother state she didn't believe a woman could be President, and this was well before Hillary Clinton even thought about running), and even more people who won't vote for Clinton because of Bill. Then there are the people who just hate her, for whatever reason, and refuse to vote for her.

    Obviously, we won't know unless Sanders runs in 2020 but I do believe he would have won. If the Democrats would have sent out just a generic candidate I believe they would have won, but they sent out the worst possible candidate they could: Someone who all ready had many people hate her.

    If they would have just picked someone that people knew nothing about, thus having no reason to hate them, then they could have won. Trump made it pretty easy, with the things he said, to make the other candidate likeable, but when that other candidate is Hillary Clinton it doesn't matter. Anyone with a clean slate could have beaten Trump, but I'm sure there were plenty of people who voted for him because they couldn't bare to vote for Clinton.

  20. #20
    The Kraken
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    Quote Originally Posted by xdodger19 View Post
    1. The govt is indoctrinating the younger generation to accept liberal agendas, they use govt schools to do this
    Parents willingly send their children to public schools whether they be on the right or left.
    2. the schools are used to first lie and claim evolution is science, the person being brainwashed need only
    associate evolution and science together and brainwash complete, So they lie and claim animals
    mate and turn into people.
    3. Then they push their global warming agenda, gay agenda, and indoctrinate them with propaganda
    using words like hate, unity, divisiveness,
    But no one has to be brainwashed they choose

    These liberals dont protest when the democrats arm muslims to overthrow middle east govts
    They dont protest when the democrats encourage and allow police brutality
    They didnt protest when clinton said her mentor was a kkk member

    Liberals only use mock outrage to push their agendas,
    for instance mock outrage over trumps crazy comments about women
    But excuse when Clinton defends a rapist, and excuses Bill's history.
    When Bush started a war based on 911 lie, the liberals went crazy
    when obama starts a war arms muslims, creates a refugee crisis, no protest
    SO your generation suffers from lack of thinking critically, and dont know enough
    about propaganda
    First off, your entire post is entirely off topic and only serves to derail a good thread.

    Beyond that though
    Evolution is science, and nowhere does it state nor imply that animals mated and turned into humans. Ironically, it sounds like you went to one of then schools you're complaining about.

  21. #21
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    The pollsters were simply lying to discourage the electorate from voting
    The media and the pollsters and Bernie Sanders worked for Clinton
    Sanders was put up there to give an illusion of choice then lose,
    the his supporters were supposed to filter in the clinton campaign
    The sanders supporters a bit more attached to ideology rather than party
    and then it came out that the dnc didnt really want Sanders to have a chance
    They told the people in advance they use delegates so the peoples votes wont matter
    They didnt need wikileaks, these were naive people
    The people dont own the party, the party leaders can do whatever they want
    The libs apparently dont care that clinton used state department as a way to receive bribes
    in exchange for political favors, no marching.
    Mostly the libs most important issue is homo agenda

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by xdodger19 View Post
    2. the schools are used to first lie and claim evolution is science, the person being brainwashed need only
    associate evolution and science together and brainwash complete, So they lie and claim animals
    mate and turn into people.
    3. Then they push their global warming agenda, gay agenda, and indoctrinate them with propaganda
    using words like hate, unity, divisiveness,
    Yeah, that damn science. Obviously people just appeared out of thin air and they were created by an old white dude in the sky. Science is all bullshit anyway. Obviously to eat you only need to plant some seeds then pray at night and they'll be fine.

    And the gay people? Fukk em, right? I mean they aren't people because they aren't like me so who gives a shit!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by astro61200 View Post
    Oh, and I do believe Sanders would have beaten Trump. There are many many people who won't vote for Clinton because she is a woman (for instance I routinely heard my mother state she didn't believe a woman could be President, and this was well before Hillary Clinton even thought about running), and even more people who won't vote for Clinton because of Bill. Then there are the people who just hate her, for whatever reason, and refuse to vote for her.

    Obviously, we won't know unless Sanders runs in 2020 but I do believe he would have won. If the Democrats would have sent out just a generic candidate I believe they would have won, but they sent out the worst possible candidate they could: Someone who all ready had many people hate her.

    If they would have just picked someone that people knew nothing about, thus having no reason to hate them, then they could have won. Trump made it pretty easy, with the things he said, to make the other candidate likeable, but when that other candidate is Hillary Clinton it doesn't matter. Anyone with a clean slate could have beaten Trump, but I'm sure there were plenty of people who voted for him because they couldn't bare to vote for Clinton.
    What is sanders, but a male slightly more liberal figure of Clinton. Astroer, this initiative is still ignoring the largest of voters. Under the current regime of liberalism, they'll get lost.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by stealthyburrito View Post
    What is sanders, but a male slightly more liberal figure of Clinton. Astroer, this initiative is still ignoring the largest of voters. Under the current regime of liberalism, they'll get lost.
    But he isn't Clinton. There are many many Republicans that don't like Trump but they won't vote for a Clinton. The Clinton name is polarizing for many Republicans because of Bill, and regardless of what Trump said/did there are some that would rather not vote at all than pick Hillary Clinton.

    Ideologically they may be close to the same, but that last name is deal breaker for many.

  25. #25
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    To put it in another perspective, it would be comparable to if another Bush was the Rep. nominee and Trump was the Dem. nominee (ya know, since he was a Democrat for 9 years). There would be people who would vote for Trump as the Democratic nominee, even if they didn't like him at all, just because they weren't voting another Bush into office.

    Also, if you want to get technical about things you can look at results from a couple states that Trump edged Clinton in. For instance: Wisconsin and Michigan.

    Sanders beat Clinton in both of those states, she lost to Trump by an extremely narrow margin in each. So it's reasonable to conclude that he would have won those two.

    Regardless, it doesn't matter and I don't want this to turn into a what if that will just be a bunch of opinions thrown about and turn into an argument with no winner.
    Last edited by astro61200; 11-11-16 at 02:12 AM.

  26. #26
    trevor123698's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by stealthyburrito View Post
    Help me understand other millennials. I apologize for the long post but I had to get this off my chest lest I succumb to a heart attack. I'd appreciate it stay in PT.

    There is a called to protest, outright ban, the electoral college. There are demonstrations against the election of Trump as president of the USA. A call to have Jon Stewart run in 2020. A farewell and dream to Bernie losing the primary. They are so sure if Bernie went head to head with Trump he'd win easily.

    They are wrong. Trump is our president. We have to accept like it or not. I do not like it, but he won, fair and square. He would've beat Bernie, The Dalhia Llama, Biden etc because the platform did not conform to the primary issue/grievance depressing a large voting bloc of the electorate. Trump would've destroyed them all because he was the only option to at least offer an alternative to calcified establishment that eroded the economic viability of a huge geographic area of the United States that dates back to the 90s. Yet all I see is millennials running to facebook calling racism, misogyny, homphiobia of this country because they don't see people struggling to survive.

    I am very afraid of the youngest generation, my generation's, refusal to learn from its mistakes. Rather than autopsying this election to learn where things went wrong, they cry foul.

    I am a liberal, I will learn from my party's mistakes. We will understand our fallacies and make ourselves better to the voting population that should've not, but did, go unnoticed,

    in the meantime, congratulation to Trump 2016
    You honestly have no idea how terrified I am of these young children. If this doesn't happen by 2020, you need to leave this nation. I am. If it doesn't come now, peacefully, we stand chance only via bloody conflict before 2030..if it doesn't happen by the we are so ******

    but if you identify as a liberal you are a problem. A liberal is a founding father. Freedom is liberal. They were liberal. IF you claim to be liberal you are a communist. You just do not know it yet.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by trevor123698 View Post
    You honestly have no idea how terrified I am of these young children. If this doesn't happen by 2020, you need to leave this nation. I am. If it doesn't come now, peacefully, we stand chance only via bloody conflict before 2030..if it doesn't happen by the we are so ******

    but if you identify as a liberal you are a problem. A liberal is a founding father. Freedom is liberal. They were liberal. IF you claim to be liberal you are a communist. You just do not know it yet.
    So, wait, you're terrified of these children? I'm assuming you're referring to young adults?

    It's an attitude like that as to why many of them act like they do, which is also what I talked about in my first post. The fact that older generation, ie narcissistic Baby Boomers, simply try to discredit Millennials because of their age. Then many of them take to protesting as a means to complain, as they feel powerless to stop the Boomers from causing even more damage due to being vastly outnumbered by them.

    Then you state that if anyone identifies themself as a liberal they are a problem? The end of the post lost me, and I can't tell if it's sarcasm or just stupidity that if someone doesn't agree with your mindset then they are a problem.

  28. #28
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    Most Americans are fiscally conservative and libertarian leaning they just don't know it...Ron Paul was awesome...and rand should do fine in 2024
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    You see the responder lied and claimed evolution is science
    then if you dont accept their lie they call you stupid
    atheists are simple first they lie to you, then they get mad and call you stupid
    The actual arguments dont matter to atheist

    And my post was on topic the responder just failed to see the connection, because evolution theory is the foundation
    of liberalism

    As you can see the responder rejects his own theory by claiming that they dont claim animals turn into people
    But that is exactly what they claim
    as you can see evolution propaganda is not based on data or evidence, the whole lie is based on getting the victim to associate evolution and science together, this is 90 percent of the brainwashing, most important part,
    so evolutionists dont even understand their own wild claims, because its not important,
    the only important aspect of the propaganda is they want to lie and associate their lies with science, education, academics, the intellect
    These evolutionists dont actually reason through anything they are saying, or take the time
    I know alot about this subject and can not be beaten in debate, so you will lose if you try any lying tricks i have heard them all
    But the most important of their tricks is to lie and say evolution is science

    Notice how the responder is desparete to associate his stories with "going to school"
    evolutionist atheist think simplistic concepts like knowing how to read and write are grand intellectual feats of education,
    they think they are intellectuals by "going to school" as if no one else went to school.
    In general atheists lie, then they take a condescending tone as if they are great intellects while claiming
    animals mate and this makes people,
    It always boils down to the simple fact that atheists lie to suppress the knowledge of God
    in their nature they hate God, this is expressed by their lying, and contending with the Bible, etc
    The purpose of life is for you to make a choice, repent, and receive Jesus Christ as your savior or be damned forever
    You are given some time on earth, some space, to make a choice,
    God gave us the free will to make a choice, to enter the heavenly kingdom or not
    parable of the wedding feast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNujv4V9ox8

    the most important thing in life is to get saved, those who don't are damned eternally
    atheist dont care about anyone they lie to them and say animals turn into people
    atheists want you to be damned with them

  30. #30
    astro61200's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by pilebuck13 View Post
    Most Americans are fiscally conservative and libertarian leaning they just don't know it...Ron Paul was awesome...and rand should do fine in 2024
    I was hoping Rand would win the nomination, oh well he is still young

  31. #31
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    If trump is successful he will be next guaranteed...perfect honesty obama won because he was black

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    Outrage was the same if not more when Obama was elected... but conservatives are more civil and respect the constitution

  33. #33
    Otters27's Avatar SBR PRO
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    I wrote in Bernie. Bet on Hillary. But am glad Trump won because I hate the establishment on all sides. Those fuckers have sold the people out. That is why Trump won. Nothing to do with race.
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  34. #34
    xdodger19's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Once again we see atheist simply repeat the same lie over and over like a mantra 'evolution' is science
    anyone who thinks animals and turn into people is crazy and a liar
    According to this guy if you dont believe his crazy stories you are rejecting science
    ANd atheist has to use the word science over and over, the fact that animals reproduce after themselves is self evident
    just like sky is blue, no need to invoke the word science for simplistic concepts

    Christians believe in eating food

    As you can see atheist always misrepesents, this is called bearing false witness it is a sin, just like gay is a sin
    Christian simply tells the sinners, that you need to repent, and get saved or you are going to hell.
    My attitude is not "screw them as you say" but rather share with anyone the truth, what you do with it is your choice
    make wrong choice and you go to hell.

    here we see correlation between atheist defending evolution and gay agenda, next he will probably promote islam or something,

    Science is in perfect accord with the Bible, life reproduces after its own kind like the Bible says
    Atheists cant tell difference between animal and human, God created mankind distinct from the animals

    God is a spirit, God doesnt live in the sky
    Once again you see here hoe the atheist misrepresents truth and other peoples beliefs

  35. #35
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    Notice how atheist was a clinton supporter although she treated state department like a mafia, lol

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