Originally posted on 11/18/2010:

Quote Originally Posted by antifoil View Post
i wonder if posting the chat is a violation of the terms of service or any kind of privacy laws?
I think I have the answer to this one but would hope someone to correct me if I'm wrong.

If your in a conversation with another person you cannot record and publicize that conversation without the other party knowing that they are being recorded. However, in a chat it's implied that the conversation is being logged, therefore you lose some of your privacy rights.

The conversation noted the customer as 'customer' which is not only the professional thing to do, but in no way, shape, or form revealed his identity. Along with the implied consent, I don't think it's illegal.

Now if 5dimes would have posted it w/ his real name, address, and phone number that would be a different story because none of that pertained to the conversation at hand.

It's implied consent. Also, the issue was brought forth publicly by the OP, therefore he engaged the issue publicly and therefore gave up some of his privacy rights there as well.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure I'm right. I smoke a lot of weed, so I know what the government(s) are allowed to do