Originally posted on 03/28/2023:

Quote Originally Posted by Auto Donk View Post
it was easy to see the mentality of "fuk dat, that mo fo has an a.r. and all I have is my glock playing out.... even the usual "tough guys" that run to the scene with their a.r.'s wanted no part of a shooter trained on the door, ready to fire away at anything that entered.....

it's easy to monday morning qb that situation, but until your in it, hard to tell how you'd react...... I'd be more apt to rush the room if my kid was in there and I knew he was alive than if it was a bunch of kids not related to me..... ie, I'd die for my sons, but might second-think dying for other kids, particularly when they're assumed dead already at the hands of the holed-up shooter aiming at the doorway.
All true. A lot of the Uvalde cops prolly had kids as well and they're thinking they dont want their kids orphaned bc they mad rushed someone with an AR.

Sadly tho, as a cop thats what ya gotta do when theres an active shooter in a school. Im pretty sure Id have no problem rushing in, but like ya said I'll never know until Im in those shoes.

I have a ton of respect for cops these days and I dont envy them at all. They're under the microscope of Karens, first amendment "auditors", woke culture, cancel culture, politicians, and the always present Ben fkn Crump. And they still show up to work and go serve the community. And as we saw in Tennessee, they run towards shooters to protect our children. All so the media and politicans can skewer them tomorrow for holding someone down wrong.