Originally <a href='https://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=30537197'>posted</a> on 09/17/2021:

Quote Originally Posted by jtoler View Post
remove that shyt out of my thread before I remove your lung boy
Oh...jtroller, what's wrong? Why your clown smile turned upside down? It is because your gay clown tennis thread not getting enough views and replies?

Well well well...why should that be? Could it be that nobody cares about your stupid jtroller rants and raves tennis thread and that you're not relevant in the this forums here? Yeah...that must be it!

Here, jtroller, let's all help you out - anyone want to see jtroller gay clown tennis thread that only had him posting in it except for the guy that called him a troll at the beginning of his thread click here:


There ya go jtroller you jackass, turn your gay clown frown upside down! Maybe now you won't be the only one posting in your threads except for people calling you a troll that is!

Oh right, you asked me to choose whether to not post in your threads or have you remove my lung...hmmm...tough choice...hmmm...I may need a moment...hmmm...not post or you take my lung not post or you take my lung...hmmm...well, looks like I don't need more time to decide after all - I go with you trying to take my lung jtroller, more fun that way, remember to post and let us all know when you've got my lung too I might not notice you like the majority of people here at SBR and in the real world never notice you.

MAY THE FADE BE WITH YOU jtroller you faaakin jackass clown