Originally posted on 05/01/2021:

If there's a bias, it's all about adjusting bet size. Same as counting cards in BJ. That's why the OP could, honestly, say that he didn't remember the bet size.

This is not about EV, wherein each bet stands on its own. To a card counter the hands are not isolated, but can be seen as a string of related events.

A player has every right to pursue such a path. And if the book or casino doesn't like it, they can kick him out. But they can't confiscate the winnings. That's grand theft. It doesn't matter how he did it, and he is under no obligation to reveal that. That's up to the book to figure out. It would be different if the player had already been warned to stay away, and returned under another name.

The book has already admitted that an error was made by Betsoft. So that is where they should go to get their money back. The book can't reason that, because Betsoft made an error, it will therefore pass it on to the player. The player did nothing wrong.