Originally posted on 05/27/2020:

Quote Originally Posted by navyblue81 View Post
Obama also shot up our national debt to bring down those unemployment numbers down. Trump has done the same. You want socialism? Look no further than Obama and Trump. Spending trillions of government dollars and giving it to the people. The President who can start bringing down our national debt will be the next great President we have. Our last two Presidents have been a joke when it comes to spending out of their ass.
How old were you when Obama was elected? If you did any research on Obama or lived it, you'd know his stimulus to the corporate world were loans that were paid back with interest that many did, some assholes didn't. Rump and our congress are socialising us right under your conservative nose. Obama did a lot of conservative stuff. Stimulus loans, modeling health care using Romney's plan and having a 5 year savings plan for healthcare before implementing. All your boy does is undo everything and blows shit up while he gets a big pat on the back from people who don't know any better, you.