Originally posted on 04/09/2020:

but this is science so many of you crazies won't agree.

BTW, allow me to rub salt into the open wound--again. I wrote and told you way before this man made recession we will witness pollution decreasing and we will witness a turn back on climate change. Well check it out pollution is way down, climate change is actually decreasing.

what does that tell you crazies. I know this is very very difficult to follow but listen to this; PROOF POSITIVE CLIMATE CHANGE IS REAL AND CAUSED BY HUMANS. maybe some of you want to claim this is a coincidence. hmmm, about 20 years of climate change and warming EXCEPT during a recession when economic activity decreases.

now this is no way to mitigate CC but it is proof beyond a doubt. the same proof that you crazies are stupid bastards.

I missed one yesterday, I must have been drunk but I seldom drink. One of the idiots told me he must reply to my comments because it is "voluntary". I thought WTF is this clown writing about, it is voluntary. then it hit me the idiot meant involuntary. an involuntary action can't be avoided. this is the intellect of you idiots. the English language is foreign to you clowns. "VOLUNTARY"