Originally posted on 10/25/2019:

I live in SO CAL and we are experiencing fires daily now.. They put their lives on the line!!! It's dry and hot as hell!!! https://abc7.com/4-fires-erupts-in-s...tions/5645162/

90 degrees here today in Santa Monica, Cali earlier this evening and I was riding my bike on the beach bike path today in Santa Monica, California..

There were fire trucks and firemen lined up to fight fires on the coast ready to go to work.. I gave them the thumbs up as I road by.. Sure enough as I got home fires started up, air quality became crap...

I'm home now with windows closed and it stinks outside by the coast.. JUST POSTING TO GIVE FIREMEN PROPS they really do put their lives on the line to save others and homes in the wild fires!!!

This reggae song comes to mind now!!