Originally posted on 01/07/2018:

Quote Originally Posted by vitterd View Post
Obviously you care about it...Remember this :

“I’m very well respected here”—Brooks

Except you’re not....total opposite. You’re hated and not respected....and not by just liberals. You bring repub and liberals together in their hate for you. Congrats! Lmao

100% true. Even conservatives know this guy is a fraud. Uneducated (which is ok), stupid (which is sad) but totally dishonest (which is revolting). Never have encountered a man that prints so many untrue accusations concerning so many decent human beings. Whenever i read an accusation this lad makes about somebody else I immediately know it is false. The list of good people that he lies about is endless.

The list of good people who I personally know never attempted to deceive is huge. If you argue with this lad and naturally if you do you also destroy him because he knows so little, but if you do argue with him, you can also wager that in a very short time he will print some very obvious lie about you. Or he will take a story and twist the facts. I have personally witnessed that tactic probably dozens of times with this creep.

how often does this clown actually argue basic politics, history or for that matter any subject with any individual. almost never, he simply makes disparaging untrue comments and name calls. does he engage intellectually--no he does not. does he answer questions concerning politics or history--no he does not. Does he present facts and intelligent arguments--no he does not. he cannot because he knows virtually nothing about everything.

he is a fraud, 99% of readers know he is a fraud.