Originally posted on 01/13/2017:

Quote Originally Posted by RoyBacon View Post
Your typing hands are lying to you.

High taxes, as I proved to you before are the highest in the world, are driving our companies away. And taking huge amounts of cash and jobs with it. The company I worked for moved and took 70 jobs. It saved millions in taxes. The millions it saved it reinvested in its new country because it could not take the funds home. It's a lose lose proposition and a killer to the American worker.
The difference in this country we allow our companies to have write offs. These same companies that threaten to leave won't tell you that the write down business where they are paying 12-12%. But people that have never owned a business or been responsible in the upper echelon of business fall for the line. Check g.e. they never paid a tax couple years ago but got a refund. The middle class was the one who paid for the roads and power lines the corps. are using.
Back to the a.c.a. one thing it did was keep scrips on medicine down. They just voted today and every repub +corey booker voted against capping the price of scrips. The v.a. gets bulk rates. The charge 4.00 for an lantus. I was told that they still make money off this scrip. Now this same script cost me 255 dollars if not bought thru them. The number 1 cause in the usa of bankruptcy is medical expenses. Until you have an emergency then you will never know. The number 1 way to lose wealth in usa is by medicals. Have fun why your young. Make sure you save for a rainy day. Also those insurance premiums after the a.c.a is gone will lead to more people being un insured