Originally posted on 11/08/2016:

Panther, I understand what you are going through. In my mid 20s I got my account up to a level that was much higher than it ever had been. I had more money on games than I made in 2 months at work. I got out of control and it got to the point where I was always in a bad mood and instead of stopping I would continue depositing even though it wasn't even fun anymore. I would always push the envelope betting way too many games and it got to the point that I didn't ever feel like I could ever make enough per day. I found myself betting games in sports I didn't know much about just because that was the only thing left that particular day. One day I just had enough. I knew I had to get away from it, needed a break or it was going to ruin my life.

I just quit going to any gambling sites, even quit coming to sbr for I think it was 3 years. The first couple of months I even quit watching any sporting events on tv. That helped because I wasn't constantly thinking about gambling. After that time off I have come back in recent years and it's fun again. The whole experience in the end was worth it as I learned some valuable lessons on self control. You will never win or be happy if you can't sit and watch a game without feeling the need to bet on it.
Good luck guy, step back from it, after time you will not feel it has a grip over you anymore.