Originally posted on 10/06/2016:

Quote Originally Posted by BigdaddyQH View Post
Fine. Where it was posted is not really important. What IS important is this. How come you have no minimum wager? All of the high rollers that I know (and you by insinuation claim to be) have a maximum AND a minimum. You do not. Does that mean you will drag a losing season out until the bitter end?

What is your record so far this season in College and Pro Football?

What is this B.S. about your plays "Coming" from 5Dimes or a mirror site? What do you mean by plays "Coming" from sites and what do you consider a legitimate mirror site to be?

Why should we care when your plays come? Early or late does not matter to anyone. As long as you post your plays after you make them, and do not wait a day or two and then claim that those were odds on that day, no one should really care when you post. Also, post what book you played them at, and for your sake, I hope it is a legit book, not your "Local". So far I see 4 plays but I have no idea where you made those wagers.
Who the fukk are you to ask all these stupid ass questions??? He made a thread and if you don't like it, don't follow. WTF? You sound like his mother, what about this, what about that, where are you this, why are you that. Do you work for the Guinness Book of Records and want him to follow a fukkin rule book? Let him post whatever the fukk he wants please.